1 September song
2 Banana split for my baby
3 Everything happens to me
4 Fire and rain
5 Have yourself a Merry little Christmas
6 I'll be seeing you
7 I'm glad there is you
8 I've got you under my skin
9 Just a Gigolò
10 Love me tender
11 Over the rainbow
12 Anytime anywhere
- Artista / Artist:
- Mina
- Titolo / Title:
- 12 (American Song Book)
- Formato / Format:
- CD Digipack
- Sottogenere
- Chanson
- Genere / Genre:
- Pop
- Etichetta / Label:
- Sony Music – 88765437962
- Anno / Released:
- 2012
- Stampa / Country:
- Europa / Europe
- Condizioni / Condition:
- Sigillato / Sealed
- Barcode / Ean:
- 0887654379627
- Ubic.:
- Box Er 315
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